Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Final Response

In the final response from pages 156 to 210 there once again were hardly any geographical references, the three were King County, Pierce County, and Minneapolis.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Final Response

In the last part of the book the characters talk about coke and coke ovens. Coke is the solid residue remaining after certain types of bitumous coals are heated to a high temperature out of contact with air until substancially all of the volitile constituents have been driven off. Coke is used in blast furnaces to manufacture metal products.
Also in the last part of the book one of the characters is part of the red hat club. This club means that the women are enjoying life to the fullest no matter who they are or what their doing.

Final Response

Hi there, in this response, like all my others, I did not find any intersesting words, metaphors, personifications, hyperbole, alitterations, etc. But I did find quotes.
As Josh is digging up Willies leg he finds a box which he later opens up. Here are the contents.
"Still holding the bill up to the light, I moved it to a different angle, and that's when I remembered. My teacher had not demonstrated a one-hundred-dollar bill, but he'd told us about a special ink that's used on the numerals in the bottom right-hand corner when one hundred dollar bills are printed. As I tilted the bill, the number 100 in that corner changed from green to black. I moved the bill back and forth, watching the numeral turn, then black again.
The money was not fake; it was real.
I used my thumb to flip through the edges of the rest of the bills in the stack, looking at the number in the corner of each one. All of the bills were the same.
I counted: There were one hundred bills in this stack. One hundred times one hundred dollars . . . I held ten thousand dollars in one hand!

Final Response

The last section of the book is exciting. Mr. Turlep finds out where Ethel Hodge lives. He decides to leave town that night after getting his money box back. When he packs he takes a ski mask and gun with him, prepared to get his retirement money back at any cost. He goes and parks in the driveway and is happy that the house is isolated in case he needs to use his gun.

Josh goes to the barn and pries open the box and finds money. The amount is the same as the amount the robber got from the Cash for Critters fundraising for the animal shelter. Josh goes to take the box into the house and sees a car in the driveway and almost goes out to see who it is. He stops just in time when he sees that the man has a ski mask on and he know that this person is not a friendly visitor. He hides behind a bush and puts the box in the bushes.

The man yells for Ethel Hodge and when she doesn't answer he goes into the house and searches every room. Josh sees him turning on and off lights as he goes threw the house. The man leaves without finding the money. The man gets in his car and Josh thinks he leaves. He grabs the money box and goes into the house and tries to call the police. He see the telephone line is cut. He hides the box in the washer and all the sudden the man returns with the gun and demands the box. Josh says he doesn't know what the man is talking about. Then a friend of Aunt Ethel's comes to the door looking the cake that Aunt Ethel has made for her. The man hides behind the couch and Josh gets the door. He knows the man will shoot him if tells the woman anything. He goes to the kitchen and writes HELP on the cake in frosting. When he hands it to the woman he makes her look at the cake to make sure it is alright. She leaves and Josh tries to stall for time. He calls out for Willie and spooks the man. The man is very superstitious and even he doesn't believe in ghosts, he gets scared. Willie knocks over the telephone first, then a plate, but ghosts are not able to move things very much and he runs out of energy. The man keeps threatening Josh and he finally takes him to the washer and gets him the box. Just then Willie makes Florence the peacock screams very loud and scares the man again. Josh tells the man if he kills him the ghost will haunt him forever. The man goes out the front door and sees it is only a peacock and goes to shoot the bird. Josh jumps in and saves the bird knowing that Aunt Ethel would be very upset if the peacock she thinks is her dead sister is killed. The man gets in his car and decides to leave and as he is going out the driveway two police cars block him in. The man jumps out and tries to have them believe he is just the bank manager out to visit. Josh runs out and tells them to look in the car for the gun and mask. The police find it and arrest him telling Josh that he is a hero.

The woman decides to stay with Josh and talks to him about her grandson who is about his age. The next day the go to the hospital and get Aunt Ethel who didn't know what had happened the night before. She is amazed. The friend decides to stay and help Josh take care of Aunt Ethel. Aunt Ethel says Josh can tame the kittens and find them homes. Josh can't believe it has only been five days since he started his first letter to his Mom and Steve. Over the next month he joins the grandson's baseball team, tames the kittens and his parents say he can keep the mother cat for himself. Aunt Ethel's friend decides to move in because she loves the quiet and to keep each other company. Josh thought he would be bored over the summer but it has been really exciting. He decides to wait to tell him Mom and Steve about his adventures until he sees them so they don't worry.

No Product Placement.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Response #3

When this section began Josh is gathering supplies and making plans to dig up Willie's leg from the grave. He plans to do it the next day, June 19. Then the story makes a big change and Mr. Turlep, the bank manager is introduced. He didn't appear to be a criminal, but we find out that he was the one who took the animal shelter money at gunpoint to use as his retirement. He buried the money in a box at the cemetery in a small marked grave that looked ignored and overgrown. He thought no paid attention to this grave and his money would be safe for the two years he waited for his retirement. His two plan was to dig up the money on June 19 and go to Florida to live out his retirement fishing.

Josh decides that he will take some flowers to the graveyard with him so that if anyone asks him what he is doing, he can say he is planting flowers at his aunt's grave. As he digs up the bones he hits metal and finds a locked box in a plastic bag. He doesn't know what is in it, but takes the box along with the leg bones and walks up to the place some ways away where the rest of Willy's body is buried. He tries to get the box open, but can't so takes it back to the house. When he gets home he finds Aunt Ethel on the floor and that she has broken her ankle. They go to the hospital in an ambulance.

Mr. Turlep goes by the graveyard and sees new flowers on the grave where he has buried the money. He goes and digs up the grave looking for the box. At the same time the ambulance with Aunt Ethel and Josh goes by and Josh sees a man digging up the grave where he found the box. Aunt Ethel has to stay overnight in the hospital so Josh takes a cab back to the house and is glad the box is still there. He wants to open it to see what is inside.

Mr. Turlep is frantic when his box full of money is gone and looks around the graveyard. He notices that there are the same newly planted flowers on another grave and sees the name Florence Hodge. He remembers sisters named Hodge and wonders if the sister is still alive. He goes to the post office to see if he can get her address but it is already closed. He goes to the local store to look in the telephone book, but it only lists the Post Office box and he can't remember her first name. He decides to go to the bank and look her up and find the home address. This section ends with a cliff-hanger, Mr. Turlep has found her name, Ethel Hodge.

Product Placement;
Hillside Bank

Monday, May 23, 2011


View The Ghost's Grave in a larger map

Response Four

In the section of pages 54 through 156 there are no geographical references. The only thing that is mentioned is the cemetery in Carbon City but, because this is not a real place this can not be but as a actual geographical reference.