Monday, May 23, 2011

Response #4

Throughout pages 104 to 154 they identify that the characters live in a place called carbon city wich thay have mentioned before as well. This is not a real place but i beleive it is based on a place called Carbonado. This mining town was founded in 1880 and grew and grew in population by over one thousand bye 1900. In 1889 many men and women were killed in a mine explotion. And in 1974 the mines were closed because of the costs of phone lines that were then required.

Also throughout pages 104 to 154 the main character Josh says he would be a rotten pioneer because he is used to modern technology. Here are some things pioneers in washington had to do to survive. They had no cars or tractors so they had to deal with wagons and horses and oxen to pull the wagons which means they had to care for the animals. Also they had no washer or dryer so they had to wash in a river and dry in the sun. Also they had to kill and skin animals for their clothing.

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