Monday, May 9, 2011

Response #2

Between pages 3-54 I didn't find any interseting words but I definetely found lots of interesting quotes. When Josh's parents send him to his Aunt Ethels house for the summer because they are traveling to India for a job, Josh's mom tells him to write to her. This is the first letter he writes. "June 15
Dear Mom and Steven,
Did you know that a bullet makes a whizzing sound as it flies past your head? I found that out in person, and I hope I never hear the sound again.
When Aunt Ethel and I got home tonight, we saw a bat flying around in the house.
Aunt Ethel does not like bats, so she got out a shotgun and chased after it. I told her not to kill it, but she pulled the trigger anyway. I'm glad I wasn't standing any closer. My ears rang for an hour. She hit the bat, and it fell down behind a cuboard. We couldn't get it out so now it's rotting back there.
Aunt Ethel baked a cake for me, but we had to throw it out because it had bat blood all over it.

Your nervous son,
P.S. I can't wear a seat belt because Aunt Ethels truck doesn't have them. It doesn't matter; the way Aunt Ethel drives, even a seat belt won't save me. pg. 23


  1. Very interesting post, Sam. Are you finding any figurative language references? Similes? Personification? Just wondering...
