Friday, May 27, 2011

Response #3

When this section began Josh is gathering supplies and making plans to dig up Willie's leg from the grave. He plans to do it the next day, June 19. Then the story makes a big change and Mr. Turlep, the bank manager is introduced. He didn't appear to be a criminal, but we find out that he was the one who took the animal shelter money at gunpoint to use as his retirement. He buried the money in a box at the cemetery in a small marked grave that looked ignored and overgrown. He thought no paid attention to this grave and his money would be safe for the two years he waited for his retirement. His two plan was to dig up the money on June 19 and go to Florida to live out his retirement fishing.

Josh decides that he will take some flowers to the graveyard with him so that if anyone asks him what he is doing, he can say he is planting flowers at his aunt's grave. As he digs up the bones he hits metal and finds a locked box in a plastic bag. He doesn't know what is in it, but takes the box along with the leg bones and walks up to the place some ways away where the rest of Willy's body is buried. He tries to get the box open, but can't so takes it back to the house. When he gets home he finds Aunt Ethel on the floor and that she has broken her ankle. They go to the hospital in an ambulance.

Mr. Turlep goes by the graveyard and sees new flowers on the grave where he has buried the money. He goes and digs up the grave looking for the box. At the same time the ambulance with Aunt Ethel and Josh goes by and Josh sees a man digging up the grave where he found the box. Aunt Ethel has to stay overnight in the hospital so Josh takes a cab back to the house and is glad the box is still there. He wants to open it to see what is inside.

Mr. Turlep is frantic when his box full of money is gone and looks around the graveyard. He notices that there are the same newly planted flowers on another grave and sees the name Florence Hodge. He remembers sisters named Hodge and wonders if the sister is still alive. He goes to the post office to see if he can get her address but it is already closed. He goes to the local store to look in the telephone book, but it only lists the Post Office box and he can't remember her first name. He decides to go to the bank and look her up and find the home address. This section ends with a cliff-hanger, Mr. Turlep has found her name, Ethel Hodge.

Product Placement;
Hillside Bank

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